Customers throughout Southeast Michigan are often uncertain about dumpster placement. They want to minimize the impact of a heavy container sitting on their property. There are several factors to consider before choosing a safe place for your dumpster.
Can I Put a Dumpster On the Street?
Streets are made of solid material and usually level enough to place a heavy container on. However, there may be traffic safety rules and local regulations that you have to abide by when using a public space. Contact your local code enforcer to learn more about obtaining a permit for a dumpster.
Can I Put a Dumpster In My Yard?
If your yard is level without excess mud or moisture, you may be able to place the dumpster here. The problem is that the size and weight of the dumpster will suffocate grass and likely ruin any landscaping under it. It may also leave ruts behind. A gravel, asphalt, or concrete surface works better.
Can I Put a Dumpster On My Driveway?
Your driveway is usually the best spot for your dumpster. If you are getting during the hot season and you have asphalt, try to place the dumpster in a shady spot to minimize impressions. Always have it delivered on the most level part of your driveway.
Delivering Your Dumpster
If you are uncertain about the best place for your dumpster, contact us. We can discuss your options and recommend the best area for maximum safety and functionality. Remember to always check with your local code enforcer in case there are ordinances related to dumpster storage and use. Give Priority Waste a call to get started and schedule and reserve your dumpster.